In 12 locations across Kenya, we seek to meet the most pressing needs of children aged 4-6 in marginalized communities, many beyond the reach of even basic services. So it is with much joy that we launch our first education curriculum for American children to learn about and support this work of Africa Exchange!


The Swahili word “pamoja” means “together”, which is what we hope sticks with kids as they work together with one another and for the mutual benefit of their counterparts across the globe. The lessons of this series are organized according to the basic needs confronting vulnerable children under the umbrella of the theme verse, John 13:34


A new commandment I give you. Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.

– John 13:34


Complete with activities and digital resources, even a theme song , this six lesson curriculum is perfect for K - 6 missions education or can even be adapted for VBS! And it’s FREE!

Contact us to receive access instructions.


We're So Close!


Remembering Our Why (Part 1)