Africa Exchange Appoints Sam Harrell as Full-Time Executive Director

It is with excitement and anticipation that the board of directors of Africa Exchange announces that Sam Harrell will fully inhabit the role of Executive Director as of August 1, 2022.  Sam and Melody Harrell founded Africa Exchange 25 years ago and have led in a voluntary capacity since its inception.  However, expanding to further meet the needs of marginalized communities across Kenya requires a full-time Executive Director.  Sam transitions to this role from his position as Associate Coordinator of Global Missions with the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship (CBF), a position he has held since 2015 following 16 years of field service with CBF in Kenya.

 Africa Exchange has thriving programs in 12 project locations under the leadership of Mr. Mark Okello, our Kenya Program Manager. These programs leverage a crucial network of project committees and meet the needs of vulnerable children in every province of Kenya through the development and support of Integrated Child Development Centers.

 In his new role Sam will focus on expansion, increased capacity, and organizational development. “With the excellent support of our Program Manager and the recently established Africa Exchange Advisory Group in Kenya, we are uniquely poised at this critical juncture to expand the work of enhancing the resilience of vulnerable children, communities and the environment in marginalized areas of Kenya,” says Sam.

 As Africa Exchange begins to celebrate its 25 years of impact, we hope you will join us in affirming this new development and these growing responsibilities by supporting the important work that is to follow.

 Charles Evans, on behalf of the Africa Exchange board of directors.


Thanksgiving Prayers?


Kutana Kenya '22